About Eva

Eva Marquez – The Pleiadian Whisperer
Eva Marquez is a spiritual consultant, soul healer, teacher and writer with Pleiadian starseed ancestry. In her spiritual work she utilizes her Pleiadian energy. She remembers the Language of Light along with many other ancient soul memories and works with her guides – the Lights of the Universe who are a collective group of light beings from various star nations (Pleiades included). Eva and her guides assist starseeds to remember past life memories on Earth and beyond, to activate their sleeping cosmic DNA, and to connect them with their soul family.
Eva’s mission is to help starseeds adjust to their human bodies so they can carry out their life purposes to assist humanity in becoming a multidimensional race, as well as preserving Earth for future generations. The alignment of the soul, the ego/mind and the body are achieved through soul healing. In her teachings she guides her students to prioritize the understanding of feelings and the basic senses before thinking and acting. This results in self-discovery and self-mastery, where you can become your own healer and guru. The body is a microcosm of the macrocosm. The chakras, the meridian system and the nervous system act as cosmic highways within the human body. Eva’s healing sessions explore those highways, and their possible blockages.
Eva brings with her the memories of infinite love – which is the essence of God – the most profound energy that is the original essence of you. She walks beside you on your life journey, assisting you in letting go of your fears of darkness. She helps you realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Ultimately, she guides you to the point where infinite love is no longer a memory, but rather your guide through the darkness. Infinite love will become your friend on the journey towards the light of your origin. Love and light give birth to wisdom. Through wisdom, the soul begins the healing journey of returning home to its original source. It is Eva’s greatest wish that you find your way home.
Writer: Eva is the author of six books available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook formats.
- Pleiadian Code I: The Great Soul Rescue
- Pleiadian Code II: Cosmic Love
- Pleiadian Code III: Alien Fragment
- Embody Your Cosmic DNA: Become Multidimensional Find Your Soulmate
Eva’s Books in
German language => click here to see the list
Portugal Language - Pleiadian Code I: The Great Soul Rescue
Czech language: Activate Your Cosmic DNA: Discover Your Starseed Family from the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra
Eva is the founder Intergalactic Mystery School
Intergalactic Mystery School - (IMS)
IMS stands for – I AM Source
IMS guides towards cosmic-human harmony for a fulfilling life.
The mission of IMS is to guide individuals toward achieving harmony between their cosmic soul-mind consciousness and their human body, ultimately creating a fulfilling life.