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Eva Marquez

Soul Healing – An Atlantean Healing Modality 10-Week Online Practitioner Certification Course with Eva Marquez - 2 Hour Classes via Zoom

Soul Healing – An Atlantean Healing Modality 10-Week Online Practitioner Certification Course with Eva Marquez - 2 Hour Classes via Zoom

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Soul Healing – An Atlantean Healing Modality 10-Week Online Practitioner Certification Course with Eva Marquez - Live via Zoom

To accommodate the different time zones, Eva is offering 2 different time slots. When you order this service, you will have the option to select either the 1:00PM – 3:00PM EST workshop or the 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST workshop.

Becoming a Certified Soul Healer Practitioner is a life changing experience that will bring you to one of the highest, most powerful levels of energy healing. After successfully completing this Atlantean Healing Modality as channeled and taught by Eva Marquez, you will have the knowledge and capability to heal soul traumas not only for yourself, but also for your clients, using the Atlantean techniques learned.

This is an online 10-week course conducted via our Zoom Network – You do not need to have Zoom installed to take this course. The course consists of 10 lessons. Each lesson is approximately 2 hours long (1.5 hours of Study and 30 minutes at end for Questions and Answers).

Course begins on Tuesday June 11, 2024 and runs through Tuesday August 13, 2024. Scheduled class dates are posted at the bottom of this listing.

To accommodate the different time zones, I am offering 2 different time slots. You may sign up for either the 1:00PM – 3:00PM EST classes or the 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST classes. You cannot alternate between timeslots. The time slot you select will be the time slot for all your classes. All classes will be recorded. If you miss a class, you will have the recording to review at your leisure. Any refunds will be considered on an individual basis and will be partial refunds. Partial refunds will only be made for classes that are scheduled to take place after the request is made.


It was in Lemuria and in Atlantis that we, as celestial beings in extraterrestrial bodies, decided to lower our vibrations to experience a life on Earth. It was in Atlantis where we started to experiment with animal DNA to give us a denser physical body. We created a body, and this body had a personality that we today call “ego”. Within this body we entrapped the soul. Together, in this same physical body, the ego and the soul began a dance of duality.

In Atlantis we utilized the Soul Healing modality to help the soul remember where it came from, who he/she is, to be connected to the highest available frequency and to their star family, to freely access the Universal Mind and Akashic Records, etc. This assisted the soul to stay on the Path of Light. We also managed to keep the physical body vibrant and healthy.

Soul Healing is a combination of physical body healing, ego healing, and soul healing. It utilizes Ancient Atlantean energy, Earth energy, and Universal energy to assist you in becoming whole again. While also thriving and being happy within your physical body until you are ready to shed this vessel (body) and go back home.

You came here with a mission. My mission is to assist you in the full spectrum of healing the ego, soul and body, to get you as close to the Atlantean memory as possible. You can then carry on your mission to make this world a better place. I would like to assist you in your soul healing journey and train you how to do this for others. If you feel your heart jumping in your chest, then this is for you. If not, there may be some other spectacular modality that will resonate with you.

It would be my honor to be your teacher. I am looking forward to walking this journey with you.

Love and Light,
Eva Marquez

Below is an excerpt from my book “Pleiadian Code, The Great Soul Rescue”


Journeying from one lifetime to another without soul healing poses various problems for the soul as well as the quality of each life. Being stuck in the incarnation cycle, between Earth and what you call Heaven, is the biggest one. Throughout your physical life you often experience various challenges that lead into an emotionally broken heart. You may have suffered abuse, poverty, hopelessness, illness, or any misfortune that may torture you; leaving invisible emotional scars on your soul. Only low vibration energies leave marks. If you do not allow yourself to heal these scars in the lifetime they originated in by the end of that life, records of these traumas are sent back with your soul to be written in your Akashic Record and in your Soul Cave. You will carry imprints of them into your next incarnation. When your soul is overloaded by traumas (future records), the soul develops what is called the Souls Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (S-PTSD). This results with the soul somehow forgetting that it is part of God. The soul slowly loses its hope and faith. The soul becomes lost. This is the current situation of many incarnated souls, depending on how many unhealed lifetimes they have lived since Atlantis.

The soul is infinite; love is infinite, with love being the highest energy to heal the soul.


Pleiadians are Soul Healers. Pleiadian star-seeds are Soul Healers. Earth needs many Soul Healers at this time.

If you feel connected to the Pleiadians or any other star nation, you are one of them. We are your ancestors. You do carry our DNA and have what we like to call ‘special abilities’ (to make it sound more exciting). That is, until you arrive at the realization that there is nothing special about it. It is as normal as someone having blonde or black hair. Our collective mission is to assist Earth and its inhabitants to heal their soul so that they are able to elevate from the energy of fear into a frequency of unconditional love, then ultimately, reaching Universal peace. Extraterrestrial or human beings, we are all one. No one is better than the other. Earth is a learning place. You return to this world in different bodies, having different races, colors, or sexual preferences. You may speak different languages, have different spiritual, or religious beliefs. You are learning to put your differences aside, preserve this place for others, while being one of them, then return back home. One may know more or be more skilled than another, however, any one can learn if they have the will to do so. Ultimately, WE ARE ALL ONE!”

The Certification Course outline is as follows:

Lessons Overview:

Lesson 1: Energy Healing

– Sharing the story of our history, revoking of the Annunaki oath.

– Every Day Soul Clearing and Entering the Ancient Temple

– Butterfly breath

– Soul, ego and you (recognition of soul years and ego years)

– Understanding chakras and their physical and spiritual meaning

– Opening and closing of energy

 Learning to sense the energy in the body and learning to connect with the essence of each chakra color

– Finding your soul symbol

Attunement: Activating Healer’s Light Codes – Activating your Tree of Life

Homework: Self-healing work practice (color healing), journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 2: Trinity and Connecting with Higher Self

– Trinity and dynamics of soul, ego and body

– Chakra connections (connecting and rotating chakras)

– Chakras split into three groups

– Three color rays used for healing

– Lower self, middle self and higher self (past, present and future)

– Interdimensional healing (3D-5D)

Attunement: Connecting with the higher self

Homework: Self-healing work practice, chakra color healing work, connecting with lower self and higher self, journal your experiences (optional)

Lesson 3: Healer’s Routine

– You are The Magician (higher arcane card)

– How to use three color rays, which one to choose to start healing

– Finding the root of the problem

– Willpower: Suffering vs. Unconditional Love

– Treatment – in person or distance, longer version, short version

Meditation: Connecting with blue, red and green color ray, sending rejuvenation energy from higher self into the body, and writing intention for a week into the Book of Life

Homework: Practice on yourself, and on three clients/friends or more (optional), journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 4: Basic Understanding of Meridians

– Meridian color wheel

– Two main DNA strands

– Earth and universal energy that connects to meridians (healing physical organs through specific energy)

– Spinning points (rejuvenating the body)

Meditation: Opening the field of the infinite possibilities.

Homework: Practice on yourself, and on three clients/friends or more (optional), journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 5 & 6: Past Lives Healing

– Practicing to access and heal Earth’s past lives

– Practicing to access and heal Galactic past lives

– Body pendulum, language of emotions

– Activating your Willpower

– Learning from examples

Meditation: Journeying into (and healing) the past lives.

Homework: Practice on yourself, and on three clients/friends or more (optional), journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 7: Karma and Curses

– Karma

– Learning to recognize energy of curses (especially those that we have sent in past, such as during the witch-trial times, or in times of despair) and neutralizing them

– Acceptance, forgiveness, unconditional love, setting new path

Group intention work/meditation on releasing personal curses

Homework: Practice on yourself, and on three clients/friends or more (optional), journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 8: Spiritual Meaning of Pythagorean Triangle

– Practical examples to learn to use this sequence for life coaching healing work

– Learning to balance ego, soul and you – looking at life patterns

Meditation: Mediation – using the “short healing routine” to balance the ego, soul and the body

Homework: Practice on yourself, and on three clients/friends or more (optional), journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 9: Spiritual Fibonacci Sequence

Dynamics between Ego and Soul

– Spiritual Fibonacci Sequence

Meditation: “Opening the seal” – Opening the seal to start accessing the soul memories

Homework: Practice on yourself, self-exploration work into your “darkness”, journal your experience (optional)

Lesson 10: You are the Soul Healer – Member of the Galactic Rescue Team

– Healing cases examples

– Q&A

Homework: Looking back through your journal to notice your own soul growth. What did you learn? How did you change in these 10 weeks? Do you feel you can be in service and assist others to heal their soul, so that their body can align and heal as well? If your answer is yes, then practice 3 new cases (it can be on people/clients/friends that you have already worked on but must be a new report) and submit them to Eva for review. (I will give you details as to what I am looking for. Please know that I am not looking for perfection, but for understanding of this modality).

After a successful review of your submitted cases, you will be certified as having completed the certification aspect of the course and having earned the title of “Certified Soul Healing Practitioner”. You will also receive a certificate printed on our high quality Astroparche card stock paper, with Eva’s signature and official gold seal, that you can frame and display proudly.

To accommodate the different time zones, I am offering 2 different time slots. You may sign up for either the 1:00PM – 3:00PM EST classes or the 7:00PM – 9:00PM EST classes. You cannot alternate between timeslots. The time slot you select will be the time slot for all your classes. All classes will be recorded. If you miss a class, you will have the recording to review at your leisure. Any refunds will be considered on an individual basis and will be partial refunds. Partial refunds will only be made for classes that are scheduled to take place after the request is made.

Scheduled Class Dates:
Lesson 1 – Tuesday June 11, 2024
Lesson 2 – Tuesday June 18, 2024
Lesson 3 – Tuesday June 25, 2024
Lesson 4 – Tuesday July 2, 2024
Lesson 5 – Tuesday July 9, 2024
Lesson 6 – Tuesday July 16, 2024
Lesson 7 – Tuesday July 23, 2024
Lesson 8 – Tuesday July 30, 2024
Lesson 9 – Tuesday August 6, 2024
Lesson 10 – Tuesday August 13, 2024

Once payment is received you will be contacted by Eva within 48 hours, via email, with access information for your scheduled classes on our Zoom Network.

If you have any questions, please contact Eva and she will make every attempt to respond via email within 48 hours.

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